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For immediate assistance with current mental health and wellbeing concerns:
Call the CalHOPE Warm Line:
(833) 317-HOPE (4673)

School Teacher
CalHOPE Schools Logo

About this Initiative

In support of California schools, teachers, students, and families, CalHOPE continues to offer no-cost, evidence-based resources to provide healing, hope and inspiration to students and school personnel.

Students with Masks

Education has suffered through the pandemic, with mental health issues worsening among children, youth and adults. Whether you are a student, educator, teacher, support staff, administrator, parent, family member, care giver or school volunteer, your mental health and well-being contributes to the health of the school community as a whole.


With the CalHOPE Schools Initiative, positive and thoughtful ways to navigate a challenging educational ecosystem utilizing on-line resources are easily accessible. There are:

  • transformational films that speak directly to the heart of social and emotional needs, and

  • customized curriculum and guides to help teachers, students and families successfully navigate the journey to personal well-being.

To create a more compassionate future, CalHOPE is proud to provide the necessary resources at no-cost so all public schools, teachers, students, and families can access exceptional, high-quality, evidence-based, mental health support on school campuses and at home.

Program Highlights

Single sign on at one location for access to the films
A Trusted Space, Angst, Stories of Hope: SHORTS, and support materials including curriculum, teacher guides, classroom materials, resource page, forums for educators, parents and youth, mini professional development modules and more!

Our Goals

  • No-cost Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and mental health resources to all California Public Schools, promoting health and wellness.

  • Help educators, students, and families, recognize the impact stress, trauma, anxiety, and other challenges have on our mental health and how, together, we can strategically employ the necessary coping skills to create resilience within ourselves and within our community

  • Spark conversations about mental health that lend support and ease the stigma of asking for help, assistance, and guidance.

  • Help school communities, educators, students, and families, develop trusted spaces and relationships, to navigate a path forward with greater hope and peace.

  • Build a community of educators, staff, parents, and volunteers committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for youth where they feel seen, heard and supported.

About the programs included in the Initiative

Poster artwork for "A Trusted Space"

A Trusted Space: Redirecting Grief to Growth

Angst Poster Art

Angst: Building Resilience

Poster art for Stories of Hope: Shorts

Stories of Hope: SHORTS

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